A sure sign of spring: baby chicks!
Mrs. Uderitz's class did an amazing job taking care of eggs as they turned into baby chicks! Along the way, they learned all about the animals and their life cycles, which the students then taught to their peers.🐣

The Girls Leadership Group has been busy with visits to the Susan B. Anthony House and the Underground Railroad Heritage Center, thanks to the Community Schools Program. This group meets every Thursday evening to discuss how to become more active in their communities and how to live a life of service and leadership.

Nominations are now open for the district's 2023 Educator of the Year! Follow the link below for information on how to nominate.

Parents/Guardians: Sodexo is looking for feedback on school meals. Follow the links below for your child's school for a short survey. We thank you for your participation!
Elementary: https://experience.sodexo.com/cgi-bin/qwebcorporate.dll?idx=3KCW87&UIAD=M1AAI237&LINKT=LL
Middle: https://experience.sodexo.com/cgi-bin/qwebcorporate.dll?idx=3KCW87&UIAD=M1AAI236&LINKT=LL
High: https://experience.sodexo.com/cgi-bin/qwebcorporate.dll?idx=3KCW87&UIAD=M1AAI235&LINKT=LL

Mrs. Mrzywka's class had a special treat this week when maintenance workers Mrs. Swan and Mrs. DeClerck stopped in to read to the class. It was extra special since Mrs. DeClerck's grandson is in that classroom. Thank you both for spending some time with our students!

This morning we thanked our bus drivers with a breakfast, an annual event to show our appreciation for all that they do. THANK YOU!

As part of Ag Literacy week, members of our FFA visited some elementary classrooms today to read a story and plant some tomato and basil seeds. We love to see all the ways our students learn to grow🌱

Wishing you all the luck on this St. Patrick's Day!☘️

For those who use the walking trail in the elementary school, be aware there is a new route due to construction in the district offices. Please refer to the signage at the community entrance and along the trail.

Come work with us! We are hiring numerous positions for the 2023-2024 school year. Visit the employment page on our website at https://www.albionk12.org/page/employment-opportunities for more information.

ATTENTION: Beginning Monday, March 13, the district office entrance will be closed for capital project construction. Visitors will use the elementary school main entrance at the front of the building.
Please do not park in the bus loop or you will risk being towed. Thank you!

It's National School Social Worker Week! If you see Mrs. Nicholson or Mrs. Barleben (née Bennett-Allis), be sure to thank them for all that they do!

The elementary school is celebrating Read Across America week with fun dress up days March 6-10!

From 4th to 12th grade, our students' musical talent was on full display at last night's all-district concert! Great job to all our musicians and directors!

Happy birthday Dr. Seuss!
The elementary school kicked off Read Across America Week with a fun assembly today. Thanks to the high school drama department and cheerleaders for joining in!

We will be on a delay until noon today, February 23rd. We will be closely monitoring the weather conditions and update if changes occur.

First graders learned all about dental health today. Special thanks to dental hygienist Ashley Rush for coming in and giving our students a special presentation and answering all our questions!

It's National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day! A huge thanks to Deputy Prawel for keeping our schools safe. We certainly appreciate all you do.

Love and friendship was evident across our campus today. Have a Happy Valentine's Day everyone!❤️

Love and friendship was evident across our campus today. Have a Happy Valentine's Day everyone!❤️