Don't forget to get the Free and Reduced Meal Application filled out before the start of school!
Applications were included in our calendars that were mailed out and are available at every school building and online at this link: https://www.albionk12.org/page/food-services

Hello, freshmen! We hope you had a great welcome to the high school during orientation.

AP Literature and Composition students did a wonderful job making our campus more beautiful!
For their service-learning project, they designed and painted four pictures to be hung in the high school hallways. The artwork depicts key novels that are taught in school.
The students also planted a storybook garden, selecting plants that represent the novels they read in class this year.

For the high school: Please click on the link below for an end-of-the-year letter detailing Regents Exams, summer school and other pertinent information!

Chem is cool! AP Chemistry students did a fantastic job presenting experiments to some of our middle school science classes this week.

Thanks to our AP biology and AP chemistry classes, our downtown is a little more beautiful! Great job getting the planters ready for the summer

Driver Education registration is now open for next school year!
The program is available for 2022-23 students with a license or permit and who have 85% or better attendance, including tardies.
Spots are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Registration closes June 8. Please contact the counseling office for more information or an application!

For high school students: summer school will be available July 6-August 17 Monday-Thursday at Medina with transportation provided from the front circle of the high school.
The following courses will be available for retake: English 9-12, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, General Math, Living Environment, Earth Science, Chemistry, General Science, Global I, Global II, American History, Government & Economics and Health.
Registration begins June 6. Deadline is June 28. There is a $3 registration fee. Contact the counseling office to register or for more information!

Rowan Ford, Leah Kania and Myles Miller did an amazing job representing Albion during RBTL's Stars of Tomorrow NYC Bound competition last night. We are immensely proud of our students and their talents!

All ages had a great time today for Senior Citizens Day! Guests were treated to breakfast, bingo, rock painting, trivia, performances by the select choir and jazz band and more. Thank you to the high school student council for organizing!

BOCES has always been an integral part of our students' educations. Here's a #TBT look back at BOCES students from 1975

Mrs. Bieler's AP Lit students had a sweet project - creating cakes based off books! It was a delicious way to wrap up class as they head into exam day. Good luck to all students taking AP exams this week and next!

A cool collaboration: The high school chorus is currently working on ”I Am Not Yours” by David N. Childs, which was written from the poem by Sara Teasdale. Mrs. Roche and her creative writing class joined the chorus to delve into the poem and it’s meanings, giving both classes a lesson in music and poetry.

Thank you to the students, staff and family members that joined us for the English Department's Coffeehouse and Poetry Reading last evening. Hearing original work from our students was not only impressive but inspiring!

Ag science students Dylan Roath and Declan McCue taught composting 101 to members of the community at the Hoag Library last week. It was a great example of how our students and schools connect with our community!

Thanks to Brett Kast from Kast Farms for showing the ag science class on how to prune our apple trees!

Last week, high schoolers from the Diversity Club, Spanish Club and Life Program visited the Geva Theatre in Rochester to see a production of Somewhere Over the Border.
The show is inspired by the real-life journey of the writer's mother from El Salvador to the U.S. and the classic story the Wonderful Wizard of Oz. It embraces the factual and fantastical in its depiction of one young girl's pursuit of the American dream.

Spring has sprung for Mr. Oldenburg's Ag Science class! Students created these terrariums out of fish tanks

High school band and chorus students had a blast during their lock-in Friday night. Thanks to senior intern Myles Miller for the photos!

Thank you to our BOCES students for setting up and giving out information to our middle schoolers on all the programs and opportunities BOCES has to offer!
(photos courtesy of senior internship student Myles Miller)