Last week, AP biology students took a trip to GCC to meet with Dr. Johnson and get an inside look at the biology rooms. They even got to join a lab class working on dissections! Students pictured are Olivia Bieber, Samantha Hand and Shelby Hagen.
almost 3 years ago, Albion Central School District
students take a picture in the GCC lab
Mrs. Roche's creative writing classes have been working on poetry and the power of words. The students shared their original poems during class last week. Mark your calendars for the annual Coffeehouse hosted by the English department on April 27. It is an open forum for students to share stories, poems, essays and songs and is open to the public.
almost 3 years ago, Albion Central School District
a student takes a question from a classmate
a student reads her poem to the class
the class poses together
a student shares her poem with the class
Today some of our high school FFA students shared a story with some of our elementary students - and then brought out worms! It was a great lesson on gardening, composting and recycling.
almost 3 years ago, Albion Central School District
two high school students read a book to an elementary class
students look at worms in dirt
students get their hands dirty in dirt and worms
students smile while playing with worms
Check out how the high school celebrated St. Patrick's Day back in 1915. #fbf #FlashbackFriday
almost 3 years ago, Albion Central School District
excerpt from the 1915 yearbook
Can you believe there are just 100 days until graduation?? We look forward to celebrating our seniors in the coming months.
almost 3 years ago, Albion Central School District
students pose in photo booth
students pose in photo booth
students pose in photo booth
students pose in photo booth
Fresh maple right on campus! Mr. Oldenburg's Ag Science class has been tapping maple trees around the school.
almost 3 years ago, Albion Central School District
students pour fresh sap into a bucket
Mr. Oldenburg's ag science class
Court was in session in Mrs. Conde's class today! Students held different roles for character court, the People of California vs Lennie Smalls, to show their understanding of the novel Of Mice and Men.
almost 3 years ago, Albion Central School District
a student pretends to swear in a witness
students engage in a mock trial
students engage in a mock trial
students engage in a mock trial
In 1994 students held the third annual Black History Program. Here’s a brief excerpt about the program and the students who participated #TBT
almost 3 years ago, Albion Central School District
a yearbook excerpt about the Black History program
students who participated in the Black History Program in 1994
It was awesome having members of the Marine Corps band rock out with some of our high school students today!
almost 3 years ago, Albion Central School District
A band member plays the keyboard
The Marine Corps band plays a song
Guitarist play from the Marine Corps band
Students dance in their seats along with the Marine Corps band
Lots of silly socks on display today as the high school continues Winter Spirit Week!
almost 3 years ago, Albion Central School District
clown socks
rainbow socks
Sylvester socks
pink silly socks
A sneak peek at some of the AMAZING work our middle and high school stage crews are doing… Our drama departments continue to impress, on and off the stage!
almost 3 years ago, Albion Central School District
student paint a backdrop
students work on creating paper mache sets
student paint a rock texture
The high school halls are a little brighter with these words of the year by students and staff.
almost 3 years ago, Albion Central School District
words of the year displayed on the wall
words of the year displayed on the wall
Did you know the Multicultural Club and Life Program host a book club? All high school students are welcome to join! Contact Mrs. Morales for more information.
about 3 years ago, Albion Central School District
Mrs. Morales reads to the group
Mrs. Morales reads to the group
Two students read along
Book Club welcome sign
The high school library is a popular place! Mrs. Morales recently started a puzzle table and is always ready with a great book recommendation🧩📚
about 3 years ago, Albion Central School District
a student reading a book
students working on a puzzle
students working on a puzzle
Congratulations to Jeffrey Brown on receiving the DAR award!
about 3 years ago, Albion Central School District
Principal Ashbery hands Jeffrey Brown the DAR award