elementary school cafeteria

Dear Purple Eagles,

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the past few years, the federal government has funded a free meal program, making school lunches available at no cost to all children. However, it is unknown if the program will extend into the 2022-2023 school year. We expect to know more in the coming months.

We encourage all families to complete the free and reduced meal application now in preparation for next school year. A current application will allow students to be temporarily eligible for the first 30 operational days of the next academic year. Completing an application now will give families time to submit a new application for next year once the process begins this summer.

The free and reduced meal application is linked to other items, including students who request fee waivers for AP exams and college applications. If students do not have a free and reduced meal application form completed for the school year, they will not qualify for other fee waivers.

We will continue to let families know the status of the free and reduced meal program for 2022-2023 as information is made available. Thank you in advance for helping provide a smooth transition into the next academic year.